2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
Calling kiddos and their parents to join our workshop series!
THIS T.A.N.F PROGRAM HAS BEEN CANCELLED. WE ARE NOT TAKING ANY SIGN-UPS. If you have any questions, please call FPD Specialist Liana Duro @ (760)397-0455 ext-12031 or email [email protected].…
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
Calling kiddos and their parents to join our workshop series!
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
Calling kiddos and their parents to join our workshop series!
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
Once each class session opens online on E-learning it will remain open until March 31st, 2025.
GED Tutoring via Zoom, Distance Learning, and Individual Tutoring!
Life Skills Training The focus of Life Skills Training is to prepare the client to cope with stresses and challenges of daily life, i.e. skills in communication, decision-making, occupational…
FPS Youth & Education Dept. Presents:
Tiny Tots Learn ‘n’ Grow (Ages 0-5 w/Parents/Guardians)
Mondays, January to March 2025 (Hybrid Event)
From 10:00am to 1:00pm
@the MP TANF Office/Moodle
Please click on flyer for more info or to RSVP
Or Contact
Roxanne Carvajal (YSS) / Gabriela Gonzalez (YEGC)
@ 213.816.2000
Join us for a bi-weekly class that prepares you for being a new parent or helps you with parenting right now. Topics include Pregnancy ,Infant Hygiene, Nutrition, Car Seat Safety, and Parenting.
GED Tutoring via Zoom, Distance Learning, and Individual Tutoring!
Life Skills Training The focus of Life Skills Training is to prepare the client to cope with stresses and challenges of daily life, i.e. skills in communication, decision-making, occupational…
10 eligible TANF Youth Participants (1st to 5th2th Grade) will be invited to our Trivia Challenge 2025 series. The event will be offered via Zoom on Tuesday(s): March 25; April 29; and May 20, 2025 from 4pm to 4:45pm.
Twenty eligible youth (1&2 or 3&4) who are currently enrolled in 6th to 12th Grade will be invited to participate in Thermal FPS Youth Department's College Pathway series. The multi-session…
Life Skills Training The focus of Life Skills Training is to prepare the client to cope with stresses and challenges of daily life, i.e. skills in communication, decision-making, occupational…