Building Professionalism
ZoomWeekly classes with skillpath to build resume and sharpen on professionalism that will better prepare you with the skills to enter the workplace.
Weekly classes with skillpath to build resume and sharpen on professionalism that will better prepare you with the skills to enter the workplace.
*How to cope with your childs negative feelings *Setting firm limits while maintaining goodwill *Use alternative punishments
Weekly classes with skillpath to build resume and sharpen on professionalism that will better prepare you with the skills to enter the workplace.
Youth ages 10+ who are on Winter Break from school are invited to join Youth Education Guidance to learn the techniques of Graphic Design. Have fun while learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM). For more Information:
Please contact Jessica Schultz
(951) 292-5100 ext. 19025
Availability is limited to 20 participants
Grades K-12 students needing additional help with their academics are encouraged to sign up. For information please contact Jessica Schultz.
Youth ages 10+ who are on Winter Break from school are invited to join Youth Education Guidance to learn the techniques of Graphic Design. Have fun while learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM). For more Information:
Please contact Jessica Schultz
(951) 292-5100 ext. 19025
Availability is limited to 20 participants
Youth ages 10+ who are on Winter Break from school are invited to join Youth Education Guidance to learn the techniques of Graphic Design. Have fun while learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM). For more Information:
Please contact Jessica Schultz
(951) 292-5100 ext. 19025
Availability is limited to 20 participants
*How to cope with your childs negative feelings *Setting firm limits while maintaining goodwill *Use alternative punishments
For more information: please contact Jessica Schultz.
*How to cope with your childs negative feelings *Setting firm limits while maintaining goodwill *Use alternative punishments
E-Learning Classes. Once a class opens, it is available to view 24hrs a day 7 days a week.
For more information: please contact Jessica Schultz.
Grades K-12 students needing additional help with their academics are encouraged to sign up. For information please contact Jessica Schultz.
For more information: please contact Jessica Schultz.
Join us for a bi-weekly class that prepares you for being a new parent or helps you with parenting right now. Topics include Pregnancy ,Infant Hygiene, Nutrition, Car Seat Safety, and Parenting.
Grades K-12 students needing additional help with their academics are encouraged to sign up. For information please contact Jessica Schultz.
Lets talk about the things that can change your life in a single moment. Youth MUST log in and watch entire 139 minutes of video to be eligible for high school completion bonus. Class is open and available until June 30th, 2025.
School Readiness. Once a class opens it is available to view 24hrs 7 days a week.
Background of this class is to provide you with a foundational understanding of the Cahuilla Language. Vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural context will be instructed. This is an opportunity to bring the family out and learn together.
Come join us at the Murrieta site, bead your cap and tassel for graduation.