2024-2025 Tutoring
Grades K-12 students needing additional help with their academics are encouraged to sign up. For information please contact Jessica Schultz.
Grades K-12 students needing additional help with their academics are encouraged to sign up. For information please contact Jessica Schultz.
Grades K-5th. *Fire Safety *Stranger Danger *Red Ribbon Drug Prevention *
Join us for a course in preparing for emergencies and preparing to better protect our families in the event of a disaster.
Please join us as we discuss topics that include: self-esteem, peer-pressure, self-respect, and self-confidence. Ages 12-18.
E-Learning Classes. Once a class opens, it is available to view 24hrs a day 7 days a week.
Join us for a course in preparing for emergencies and preparing to better protect our families in the event of a disaster.
Grades K-5th. *Fire Safety *Stranger Danger *Red Ribbon Drug Prevention *
Join us for a course in preparing for emergencies and preparing to better protect our families in the event of a disaster.
Please join us as we discuss topics that include: self-esteem, peer-pressure, self-respect, and self-confidence. Ages 12-18.
Please join us as we celebrate Red Ribbon week!
Grades K-12 students needing additional help with their academics are encouraged to sign up. For information please contact Jessica Schultz.
Join us for a course in preparing for emergencies and preparing to better protect our families in the event of a disaster.
Grades K-5th. *Fire Safety *Stranger Danger *Red Ribbon Drug Prevention *
Join us for a course in preparing for emergencies and preparing to better protect our families in the event of a disaster.
Please join us as we discuss topics that include: self-esteem, peer-pressure, self-respect, and self-confidence. Ages 12-18.
Presented by Murrieta FPS Youth Department
E-Learning Classes. Once a class opens, it is available to view 24hrs a day 7 days a week.
Grades K-5th. *Fire Safety *Stranger Danger *Red Ribbon Drug Prevention *
Weekly classes with skillpath to build resume and sharpen on professionalism that will better prepare you with the skills to enter the workplace.
Mandatory zoom orientation will be held Monday, November 18th @ 10am. 15 spots only! All ages welcomed.