Click here for Client Portal. The client portal contains appeal and complaint forms.
Summer Hours currently in place. Monday through Thursday 7am-5pm.

Torres Martinez Tribal TANF, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, is a social services organization that provides assistance to Native American families with children. We offer a 5 year program with a foundation in educational incentives and work opportunities, supported by temporary financial assistance, leading to self sufficiency. Our doors first opened in 2001 with 1 small office in Thermal, CA and have since grown to 6 regional offices spanning L.A. and Riverside counties. Special focus is put on traditional values and cultural awareness as we serve the Native community with a determination to support, educate and guide our clients along the path to self sufficiency

TANF e-learning website
Online TANF courses and resources
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Cash Assistance
Information About General Cash Assistance
General Assistance is a monthly financial assistance to meet essential needs of those eligible Native Americans without income. When assistance and services are not available or are not being provided by other sources, the General Cash Assistance Program gives prompt attention and prevents unnecessary hardship for the applicant.
Who can apply for General Cash Assistance?
It is the intent if the TMTT to provide services to all eligible and needy Indian families and their children who have at least one member of their household (child or adult) who is a member or descendent of a member of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe or identified on the California Judgment Rolls and who reside anywhere within the boundaries of Riverside County and Los Angeles County, excluding:
a. Those persons who are enrolled members or descendents of the Morongo and Soboba Tribe who reside outside Reservation lands served by the TMDCI Tribal TANF Program.
b. The City or Riverside.
Welcome to the TMTT Education Department
The mission of the TMDCI Tribal TANF Education Department is to; provide encouragement, higher learning and vocational program information and educational advocacy in an effort to strengthen academic performance and to empower Native American Students to identify and accomplish their educational goals.
The Education Guidance Councilors Can:
• Coordinate and utilize resources of school, home and community for successful achievement in school.
• Involve parents in ways which help them understand the educational, career, personal and social development of their children.
• Assist students develop a positive self-image through effort to improve self-understanding, self-direction and skills in problem solving and decision making.
• Provide registration information and assistance for the adult student regarding GED, vocational programs, college planning for Associate and Bachelor degrees and educational advocacy.
• Financial Aid and scholarship information
•Available Workshops:
FAFSA-Free Application for Federal Student Aid
“College, Making It Happen”
“Keeping Students Academically Motivated”
Resources to help prepare for college (PSAT/SAT) entrance exams.
The Education Department Coordinates:
• Adult Literacy Program
• “The Best Me I Can Be” Summer Enrichment Program in collaboration with the Coachella Valley School District
• S.A.F.E. Network’s Personal Protection Empowerment Program for ages 5-19
Public Law 95-608
Enacted November 8th, 1978
…to protect the best interest of Indian children…
What is ICWA ?
The Indian Child Welfare Act or ICWA is a law that applies to state, county, and private child welfare agencies. It covers tribal children from all American Indian and Alaska Native tribes listed in the Federal Register. ICWA supports Indian tribes’ authority over their members and the wellbeing of Indian Children and families.
Who is an Indian Child ?
Under ICWA, an Indian child is any unmarried person who is under the age of eighteen AND is either a member of an Indian tribe or is eligible for membership in an Indian tribe AND is the biological child of a member of an Indian tribe. It is up to the tribe to say who is a tribal member.
Why is the law only for Indian children ?
History tells us why… Indian tribes are sovereign nations. The U. S. Government has a unique political relationship with Indian nations through treaties that it does not have with any other peoples in our country.
Why was the law passed ?
In 1978 Congress declared “that it is the policy of this Nation to protect the best interest of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families by the establishment of minimum FEDERAL standards for the removal of Indian children from their families and the placement of such children in foster or adoptive homes which will reflect the unique values of Indian culture, and by providing for assistance to Indian tribes in the operation of child and family service programs.”Tragically, countless numbers of Indian children have been removed from their families and tribes. Boarding schools run by the government and other groups kept school-age children away from their homes. Many children lost their traditions and culture and experienced serious problems later in life.Often, the child welfare agency workers used their own cultural beliefs to decide if Indian children were being raised properly. Also, many have not understood the importance of the extended family in bringing up children in native cultures.
Does the law apply to Indian people not living on an Indian Reservation?
ICWA applies to all Indian children who are members of or are eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe AND are the biological children of a member of an Indian tribe. The law applies to ALL Indian children regardless of where they live. It is important that child welfare workers assess ancestry of all children referred for neglect or abuse. If known, the child’s tribe must always be notified by certified mail of any court proceedings involving the placement of an Indian child in foster care, termination of parental rights, or adoption. If ancestry is not clear the Bureau of Indian Affairs must be notified.
How does the law work ?
Under ICWA every effort will be made to try to keep Indian families together. If the removal of a child is necessary, “active rehabilitative efforts” must be made to bring the family back together. This means that everything possible must be done to help the family resolve the problems that led to neglect or abuse. This includes referrals to services that are sensitive to the family’s culture.If the child is removed ICWA requires that child welfare agencies must actively seek to place the child with (1) relative, (2) a tribal family, or (3) an Indian family before placing the child in a non-Indian home.
How can you protect your children ?
If your child is eligible for membership with an Indian tribe get your child enrolled. You should always keep the following papers in a safe place: enrollment numbers/papers, Certificates of Indian Blood (CIB’s), census numbers or blood quantum cards, and birth certificates. Other things that may help include a family tree or genealogy records.If you are referred for child abuse or neglect and need legal help, you have the right to a court appointed attorney if you cannot afford one.
Compliance Department Duties:
•Review of Payment/Request for Compliance with Program Policies and Grant and Regulations
•Review of Authorized Exemptions
•Review Data Entries into TAS Program for Accurate Data Reporting
•Audits of Records/Files
•TAS (Tribal Assistance System) Training
•Staff Trainings •Site Visits to both Riverside & Los Angeles Counties
•Assisting Staff with Questions & AnswersData Collection and Reporting
Based on the Approved TANF Policy & Procedures all Requests are reviewed to verify documentation that demonstrates it to be Justifiable, Reasonable & Accurate. All Client related services & requests need to show the Participant’s compliance with Program Requirements and Guidelines.
Such as:
•Work Participation Hours
•Eligibility/Continued Eligibility for Services
•Approved Activities based on Client Plan and PRP (Personal Responsibility Plan)
•Costs Not to Exceed Approved Guidelines
*All Emergencies / Urgent Requests are given Priority
*TANF is Payer of Last Resort.
In cases where a request for payment/service is submitted without enough verification to show eligibility, it will be returned (rejected) until documentation is provided to justify payment and authorize services. The request may be returned by the Compliance Department, Fiscal Department and/or Authorized Check Signers through their review. *If rejected the payment process may be delayed. The goal of the Department is to insure that all payments are justifiable and able to demonstrate compliance during an audit of the program.

TANF e-learning website
Online TANF courses and resources
Read more
Riverside County Locations
66725 Martinez Rd. Thermal, Ca 92274
P.O. Box 969 Thermal, Ca 92274
Toll Free: (866) 810-1000
Main: (760) 397-3925
San Jacinto
641 N. State Street Suite 2
San Jacinto, CA 92583
Toll Free: (888) 312-6014
Main: (951) 765-9466
38670 Sky Canyon Drive, Ste. 100
Murrieta, Ca 92563
Main: (951) 292-5100
Los Angeles County Locations
Monterey Park
900 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 100
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Toll Free: (800) 665-7292
Main: (323) 647-6000
Long Beach
4500 E. Pacific Coast Highway Suite #500
Long Beach, CA 90814
Toll Free: (800) 665-7649
Main: (310) 878-1600
460 West Palmdale Blvd
Palmdale, Ca 93551
Toll Free: (800) 665-6781
Main: (661) 466-1100
2024 San Jacinto TANF Campus Tours
San Jacinto TANF Site 641 N State St, San Jacinto, CA, United StatesOur Higher Education Campus Tours will occur once a month and shall be facilitated by EGC from the San Jacinto TANF site. EGC shall schedule tours to various vocational and…
2024 San Jacinto TANF Campus Tours
San Jacinto TANF Site 641 N State St, San Jacinto, CA, United StatesOur Higher Education Campus Tours will occur once a month and shall be facilitated by EGC from the San Jacinto TANF site. EGC shall schedule tours to various vocational and…
2024 San Jacinto TANF Campus Tours
San Jacinto TANF Site 641 N State St, San Jacinto, CA, United StatesOur Higher Education Campus Tours will occur once a month and shall be facilitated by EGC from the San Jacinto TANF site. EGC shall schedule tours to various vocational and…
2024 San Jacinto TANF Campus Tours
San Jacinto TANF Site 641 N State St, San Jacinto, CA, United StatesOur Higher Education Campus Tours will occur once a month and shall be facilitated by EGC from the San Jacinto TANF site. EGC shall schedule tours to various vocational and…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 San Jacinto TANF Campus Tours
San Jacinto TANF Site 641 N State St, San Jacinto, CA, United StatesOur Higher Education Campus Tours will occur once a month and shall be facilitated by EGC from the San Jacinto TANF site. EGC shall schedule tours to various vocational and…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 San Jacinto TANF Campus Tours
San Jacinto TANF Site 641 N State St, San Jacinto, CA, United StatesOur Higher Education Campus Tours will occur once a month and shall be facilitated by EGC from the San Jacinto TANF site. EGC shall schedule tours to various vocational and…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 San Jacinto TANF Campus Tours
San Jacinto TANF Site 641 N State St, San Jacinto, CA, United StatesOur Higher Education Campus Tours will occur once a month and shall be facilitated by EGC from the San Jacinto TANF site. EGC shall schedule tours to various vocational and…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…
2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules…