2024 HiSET/GED Exam Prep Class
August 20, 2029 - March 19, 2030

The Education Dept. has a mandated curriculum which has been approved and aquired for TMTT specifically for the Education Dept. The GED curriculum is a series of classes and modules in the areas of Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading and Writing that will provide assistance in helping clients pass the GED/ HiSET exam. The self sufficency department utilizes various assessment tools to better help clients be aware of their academic needs and problem areas in their education. All classes are facilitated by TANF staff members from the Self- Sufficiency Education Dept. Classes are facilitated in a lecture style format, with active participation in the form of discussion groups, questions and answers, and various group activities. Handouts, as well as online work and assignments that are also completed during the self sufficiency workshops.